Thursday, October 05, 2006
I know...It has been FOREVER!!
After 6 weeks in South Dakota we have made it home and we are getting settled into our usual crazy busy way of life. After arriving home the girls got the flu which lasted an entire week!! Of course it was also the week that Jim was out of town!! Anyways, now we are recovering and jumping back into life with both feet. Speaking of both feet, Maddie is walking all over the place now. I wouldn't call her a "walker" completely, but really really close!!
Emily is so excited about turning 4 in a couple of weeks and is hoping to start preschool soon. She is so smart and has a huge yearning to learn new things!!
Serenity is 2 1/2 and talking more clear all the time. She is a great big sister to Maddie and looks up to Emily, mimicing everything she does!!
Maddie turns one tomorrow!! Can you believe it, our baby is one already!! Boy does time fly!!
Jim is working hard finishing up projects in the three houses we have for sale. The market has slowed, but God's faithfulness has not. Although money has been scarce the last 6 months, God has never allowed us to go hungry. In fact, every month we have had the money to pay all of our bills. It is amazing!! God is so good to us!!
I am working hard raising three little girls and working my Tastefully Simple business, which is booming!!
Well, I better run for now, I will add some new pictures so you can see Em's new haircut, Serenity as the flower girl at Uncle Jim's wedding, and Maddie. Enjoy!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Hi Again!
Since my last post so much has happened. We took a suprise trip to visit some friends and family. Our first stop was to visit our great friends Kris and Chanda and meet their new spouses. We stayed with Kris and Chrissy in Indianapolis and enjoyed getting to know them as a couple. We had not seen Kris since our wedding eight years ago. We had a great time.
While we were there we were also able attend Chanda's wedding. She was married on May 27th to Allen. It was a beautiful wedding. Kris, being a pastor, was able to marry them, we were very excited to be there!!
The reunion continued as we were also able to show our kids off to Sue and Al, Kris and Chanda's parents. We hadn't seen them since I was pregnant with Emily. We had so many great memories to laugh about together!!
The second leg of our journey
to Montague, Michigan
where we suprised everyone!!
We spent the week helping grandma and grandpa finish projects that they had been wanting to complete. We had a great time laughing and sharing together.
Uncle Joe and Aunt Kim Aunt Ann Cousin Joe, Amy, Alyssa
We also enjoyed Aunt Michelle and Uncle Jay, but must not have had the camera out when they were there!
The 3rd leg of our journey took us to Ohio to visit Jim's family. We arrived with sick kids and a day before they returned from their trip to Vegas. We had a day of relaxation then suprised his family as they arrived home!! We had a great time visiting everyone and reconnecting with old friends.
Here are the three girls enjoying family in Ohio, I guess I didn't take many of the family with the girls now that I look at my collection of pictures.
After a three week journey we were ready to be home. The girls did amazing in the car and never complained, even when we drove straight through, 15 hours, home due to the impending tropical storm. God has blessed us with wonderful friends and family, we felt very blessed that we were able to have such a wonderful trip!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Our Busy Lives!!
The first week of May Jim had to go to Melbourne, Florida for his first week of reservist duty. The girls and I decided to go along and boy are we glad we did. Our hotel was right on the ocen and our balcony was only a stone throw away from the water. It was beautiful!! While Jim worked during the day the girls and I spent time collecting shells, playing in the sand and swimming in the hotel pool. Quite a work out for me I might add!! Although we had a great week it was good to get back home, there is no bed quite like your own.
The next two weeks were jam packed. We had something going everynight, it was tiring, but a lot of fun!! What made life more challenging was the fact that Maddie decided that sleeping through the night was for the birds. We first thought it was a reaction to the solid foods she was eating, then though she must not be getting enough when she was nursing, then we were sure it was her teeth. We then realized, that although those may all play a part in it, she really just loved her mommy so much that she didn't want to be away from her!! Sweet huh!?! Not so sweet at 3 in the morning!! :) She had a better night last night, which brings me to our life currently...
We didn't think our life was chaotic enough so we decided to take a road trip to Lakeland, Florida to see family that we had not seen in years. We had a great time and it was fun showing our girls off to all the family who had not yet met them. After arriving home this evening we took a quick dip in the pool and called it an early night. Speaking of which...goodnight.
I will add some new pictures tomorrow, I also have some cute things to write about the girls, they are so silly!!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Swim time!!
Em's last day of ballet!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Florida or Bust!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Jim and Kristie
Things with Jim and I are great except for fighting off the ongoing sickness in our home. Our family has been fighting a variety of illnesses over the past 4 weeks. We are ready to learn whatever lesson it is that God wants us to learn, so we can move on!!
Jim and I have been married for 8 years on June 19th. Over the 8 years we have had a wealth of experiences, some great, some not so great, but through it all God has always been by our side to get us through. One thing that we have had through it all is a deep love for each other that comes straight from the hand of God. I remember praying while I was dating Jim that God would bind our hearts together everyday if it was meant to be, and if it wasn't, that God would end it immediately. Well, God's answer was clear and remains true today. Although no marriage is perfect, I can certainly say, I have an amazing husband who loves the Lord, his girls, and me with all of his heart!! He is a wonderful dad and I could not have asked for a better best friend!! As corny as it sounds, the saying is true, He truly "completes me!!"
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Newer picture of Maddie
Here is a new picture of Maddie , she changes everyday!! (I know the picture says 1/8/06, but I guess I forgot to fix the date, it was actually taken this week). At her Dr. appointment this week, she weighed 16lb 4oz and was 25 1/2 inches long. I guess that she is pretty much average according to the charts.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
The ABC's about ME
B is for book you're currently reading: The Purpose Driven Life
C is for career: mom, wife, and I am a registered nurse but have put that on hold for more important things right now
D is for your Dad's name: Jim
E is for essential items to bring to a party: homemade peanut butter cups
F is for favorite song at the moment: Come to Jesus by Chris Rice- WOW!!
G is for favorite game: Settlers
H is for hometown: KI Sawyer AFB, MI but it no longer exists
I is for instruments you play: Saxaphone, Flute, and Piano-but none very well :)
J is for jam or jelly you like: Mixed jelly in those little packets at resturants :)
K is for kids: Emily (3), Serenity (2), and Maddie (6mths)
L is for living arrangements: We have a 4 bedroom ranch style home it is kind of small but has a pool!!
M is for Mom's name: Robynne
N is for name of your crush: Jim
O is for overnight hospital stays: Once for a tonsillectomy when I was 10, and for giving birth 3 times
P is for phobias: I am clausterphobic (I am not sure that is how you spells it)
Q is for quotes you like: Faith goes up the stairs that love has made and looks out the window hope has opened
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: My marriage of almost 8 years
S is for how you found out Santa wasn't real: I realized one Christmas morning that all the handwriting on the tags were the same as the presents from my mom and dad
T is for tasty desserts: Anything chocolate, fruity, heck.. I love all desserts!!!
U is for underwear: bikini or anything I find comfortable
V is for vegetables you love: Cucumbers, Greenbeans
W is for weekend plans: Finish organizing the garage (sound like fun?)
X is for x-rays you've had: teeth, ankle (4 times), wrist, finger, toe
Y is for year you graduated from high school: 1997
Z is for zodiac sign: Libra(but I don't belive in that)
One more - for this one you have to complete the sentences:
Never in my life: will I stop telling people what God has done for me (and them)
When I was five: I lived in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan
High School is: was great while I was there, but looking back I realize how superficial it all was, it is too bad kids have to feel the way they do because of their peer.
There's this girl: that has gone through a lot of hard times in her life and really need to come to know the Lord. (Pray for her)
When I turn my head right, I see: A big messy stack of papers in my husbands office :)
A better name for me would be: Princess (just kidding), Kristie is fine
You know I like you if: I smile at you
My ideal breakfast is: french toast on Texas toast with powdered sugar, butter, and syrup
If you spend the night at my house: you will hear one of my kids get up at least once in the night
I always make it a point to: to make people feel cared about
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: go one day without God's presence
And by the way: I love my life!!!!
Madelyn Faith (Maddie)
Maddie is our sweet loving 6 month old that always has a smile on her face. She is the most calm and loving baby I have ever been around and did I mention, adorable!!! Her bald head is finally starting to show signs of new life, and her cheek get chunkier everyday!! Her sisters love to hold her, sing to her, and make her laugh. God has truly revealed his quiet spirit to us through Maddie. She is amazing!!
Serenity Jewel
Well, this picture basically sums up Serenity. She is our crazy, fun loving, one of a kind little girl. She has a mind of her own and doesn't have a problem telling you about it, in her own language of course. When she is not being crazy and silly, she is a very loving and tender hearted child. She loves her daddy more than anything and is always up to wrestle!! God giggled when we named her Serenity, only he knew who she would be. :) We love her a ton, of course, and praise God for our sweet little girl.
Emily Grace
Emily started her first ballet class in Febuary and is loving every minute of it!! She goes to class every Tuesday and loves dancing with her fellow 3 year olds and Ms. Shayln.
This is a picture from her first day of class. She was a bit uneasy at first, but adjusted quickly when mommy and daddy left the room. When we got home from her first class she came over to me and said, "hey mom, can you unbun me?" It was so cute. She wanted me to take the bun out of her hair and I guess I have never quite heard it asked that way before!!
Emily is an intelligent, sweet, compassionate little girl. I have never seen a child so intuned to other people's feelings. God has big plans for her life!! We praise God for Emily, she is always there to give us a hug and remind us of God's great power!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
A glance back
Well, welcome to our family blog. Hopefully I will be able to keep everyone a little more updated this way. Life this year has been crazy and the girls are getting bigger everday!
2005 was a big year for our family. After serving his country for 10 years Jim felt God calling him to take his life and family in a new direction. After a lot of prayer and sleepless nights we took the first step by applying to get out. After only 2 weeks of deliberation the AF came back and told us we were approved to get out and our last day would be Feb 11-06. It was bittersweet news. We really felt like God was calling Jim to open up his own business in real estate investing, but we had spend 10 wonderful years in the Air Force and were going to miss the comfort and lifestyle the Air Force offered.
Soon after the news came I gave birth to our third daughter, Madelyn Faith, but not without a little drama. Madelyn arrived almost 4 weeks ealy, which is not a huge concern in itself, but she came out not breathing well so she was taken from me immediately. The hospital staff quickly realized that she had premature lungs and was going to have to be taken to the nursery for oxygen and observation. During her time in the nursery I started losing a lot of blood and my blood pressure bottomed out. I was given a variety of drugs as quickly as they could push them and held onto my mom's hand as my body weakened. Jim was called from the nursery only to find that not only was his newborn struggling to live, but his wife was in trouble. After a short time my doctor had been able to stop my bleeding and I began to regain strength. Meanwhile the staff had made a heart wrenching decision that Maddie would have to be taken from the hospital I was at, to a major hospital in Boston. We were devastated, to say the least!! She was intubated and had 3 IV's going when I was able to be wheeled down to say goodbye. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do but I knew that God loved her even more than we did and would be with her when we couldn't. I was released the next day and went and stayed at the hospital in Boston with Maddie. After a week in intensive care Maddie recovered from her pneumonia and prematurity and was able to come home.
Two weeks later, Emily turned 3 years old. It was just yesterday that she was my little baby. On Jan.16th 2006 Emily asked Jesus into her heart. It was one of the best days of our life! Serenity turned 2 in Febuary and is now really close to being potty trained, yeah!!!
At the end of November we started to pack up for our big move to Florida. We drove from Massachusettes to Florida in early December, taking time along the way to see Jim's family at his sister's house. We had a great time and were able to celebrated Christmas with them early. We then visited our good friend Sarah Shine and finished our journey to Florida.
Upon our arrival we were anxious to see the house that we had purchased. I know, we are crazy, but our grandparents down here had looked at it for us and we had seen a lot of pictures. We are very happy with the house and LOVE the weather!! It is so nice for the girls to play outside everyday.
Now we are busy keeping up with 3 little girls, all 3 and under and getting a new business going.
Jim is doing wonderful and has build some wonderful working relationships with people he does business with. God has really blessed the business and brings us more deals than we can possible do. He has repeatedly shown us that it is His will for us to be here, doing what we are doing. We love the flexibility our new life offers and love being together as a family!!
I promise not all of our blogs will be this long, I just thought I would give you a quick update on our lives. God is awesome and he reveals himself to us in new ways everyday!! We pray for all of our friends and family and ask that you would keep us in your prayers also!!
God Bless You today and always- Kristie, Jim, Emily, Serenity, and Madelyn
PS- This picture was taken in Feb.