Thursday, March 23, 2006

The ABC's about ME

A is for age27
B is for book you're currently reading: The Purpose Driven Life
C is for career: mom, wife, and I am a registered nurse but have put that on hold for more important things right now
D is for your Dad's name: Jim
E is for essential items to bring to a party: homemade peanut butter cups
F is for favorite song at the moment: Come to Jesus by Chris Rice- WOW!!
G is for favorite game: Settlers
H is for hometown: KI Sawyer AFB, MI but it no longer exists
I is for instruments you play: Saxaphone, Flute, and Piano-but none very well :)
J is for jam or jelly you like: Mixed jelly in those little packets at resturants :)
K is for kids: Emily (3), Serenity (2), and Maddie (6mths)
L is for living arrangements: We have a 4 bedroom ranch style home it is kind of small but has a pool!!
M is for Mom's name: Robynne
N is for name of your crush: Jim
O is for overnight hospital stays: Once for a tonsillectomy when I was 10, and for giving birth 3 times
P is for phobias: I am clausterphobic (I am not sure that is how you spells it)
Q is for quotes you like: Faith goes up the stairs that love has made and looks out the window hope has opened
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: My marriage of almost 8 years
S is for how you found out Santa wasn't real: I realized one Christmas morning that all the handwriting on the tags were the same as the presents from my mom and dad
T is for tasty desserts: Anything chocolate, fruity, heck.. I love all desserts!!!
U is for underwear: bikini or anything I find comfortable
V is for vegetables you love: Cucumbers, Greenbeans
W is for weekend plans: Finish organizing the garage (sound like fun?)
X is for x-rays you've had: teeth, ankle (4 times), wrist, finger, toe

Y is for year you graduated from high school: 1997
Z is for zodiac sign: Libra(but I don't belive in that)

One more - for this one you have to complete the sentences:

Never in my life: will I stop telling people what God has done for me (and them)
When I was five: I lived in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan
High School is: was great while I was there, but looking back I realize how superficial it all was, it is too bad kids have to feel the way they do because of their peer.
There's this girl: that has gone through a lot of hard times in her life and really need to come to know the Lord. (Pray for her)
When I turn my head right, I see: A big messy stack of papers in my husbands office :)
A better name for me would be: Princess (just kidding), Kristie is fine
You know I like you if: I smile at you
My ideal breakfast is: french toast on Texas toast with powdered sugar, butter, and syrup
If you spend the night at my house: you will hear one of my kids get up at least once in the night
I always make it a point to: to make people feel cared about
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: go one day without God's presence
And by the way: I love my life!!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That was really neat. I didn't know that you could play the saxophone! :)