Thursday, March 23, 2006

Serenity Jewel

Well, this picture basically sums up Serenity. She is our crazy, fun loving, one of a kind little girl. She has a mind of her own and doesn't have a problem telling you about it, in her own language of course. When she is not being crazy and silly, she is a very loving and tender hearted child. She loves her daddy more than anything and is always up to wrestle!! God giggled when we named her Serenity, only he knew who she would be. :) We love her a ton, of course, and praise God for our sweet little girl.


Stacy Kaye said...

That picture is absolutely adorable!

Jen said...

I LOVE this picture!! That is Serenity!!

Michelle said...

She cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

She's just like her mom..... why does adrienne keep saying she looks like me? I have hair.... she's great, I love her